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Visit Australia

10 juin 2012

Now, it's Your Turn! Tell us everything about Your Trip in Australia!

Use all the information you have collected about Australia and create your own blog to present your own trip! Tell us the places & activities you enjoyed but also what you have learnt about the Australian Aborigines. Have fun :-)

10 juin 2012

It is up to you!

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10 juin 2012

Australian symbols

9 juin 2012

Discovering a bit more about the Australian aborigines......and the colonization......

The First Australians.


Photo: Past and Present.



Article 1: Before the whites’ arrival.

The Aborigines developed an enduring attachment to the land and an intricate understanding of their natural surroundings.

The Aborigines lived a semi-nomadic existence. They crafted tools, implements* and weapons for use in hunting, fishing, trapping and foraging*.They weren’t random meanderers, but followed set patterns* of travel according to the seasons and availability of food, water and shelter.

Under white Australian domination during the first half of the 20th century, the Aborigines were compelled to* forsake* their heritage and assimilate. Tribes were removed from traditional territories and confined to reservation-like tracts. Customs, ceremonies and languages were lost.

The 1970’s public awareness and acknowledgement of the appalling injustices suffered by the Aborigines spurred* a reconciliation process, although it remains a work in progress.




implements = outils, ustensiles

foraging = fouiller le sol à la recherche de nourriture

meanderers = (ici) ils n’erraient pas au hasard.

patterns = (ici) itinéraires fixés

were compelled to = être obligé de

forsake = (literary) abandon

spurred = (ici) déclenchèrent



Sum up.

 1. Present the documents. After reading article 1 “Before The White Arrival”, comment on the photo with the help of the text.


 2. Go on Audacity (cf: pas à pas distribué en classe) & record yourself! You will then listen your neighbour........

9 juin 2012

Uluru: Australia's rock of ages

1. Watch the video about Uluru: Here is the video and take notes to answer the following questions:

a.Where is Uluru located?

b. What can’t you help noticing? Describe what you see.

c. What is the other name of Uluru?

d. What’s the relation with the Aborigines?

e. What kind of activities can you do once in Uluru?

9 juin 2012

The webquest!

My experience in Oz



Objectif : Découvrir les lieux importants de la ville de Sydney.


Question 1: Where is Australia located?

Website:   []









Question 2: Who discovered the east coast of Australia and when?

Website:   []









Question 3: What is the capital of Australia? In which state?

Website:   []









Question 4: When was the Sydney opera house created?

Website:   []










Question 5: What kind of museums can be visited in Sydney?

Website: []









Question 6: What are the names of the three main beaches in Sydney?

Website: []









Question 7: What is the name of the zoo we have visited in Sydney? Find more details (opening hours, price, transportation….).

Website: []









Question 8: What kind of animals can be seen at this zoo?

Website:   []









Question 9: Which aboriginal group can be found in the Sydney area?

Website:   []










Question 10: Give more details about Australian aborigines and their culture.

Website:   []









9 juin 2012

....and of course Uluru!



1) Go on the website Here is the link

2) Read the passage entitled "Myths, Legends and Aboriginal Traditions"

3)Find out the name traditional landowners of Uluru! What can you say about them? Post your answers!

9 juin 2012

.....but also the National Museum of Australia in Canberra!

1)Find where Canberra is located:


2)Visit the website of the National Museum of Australia :Here is the website and pick out something you would like to see! Justify your choice.

9 juin 2012

We will visit.....the opera of Sydney!


Have you ever heard of the Sydney Opera House? Here is the website

9 juin 2012

Why is this blog so important?

The purpose of this blog is to prepare a 7-day school trip in Australia!

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Visit Australia